Today I have officially finished my CAS sessions for 2009 first semester.
In fashion design, I have started to improve in terms of my interaction with the younger girls. I have started to join a bit more in their conversations, and have even tried giving one short advice!
In basketball, I am now on the developmental team, which is the team for girls who didn't make the SAISA team and want to continue on to learn basic skills. For the moment, there are only 4 of us right now. This is a real concern, due to the fact that if we don't get 5 or more girls on the team then we may have to stop the developmental team. I have been learning some useful skills with Mr. Shipley and the assistant coach, Fillipo, who was previously on the SAISA boys basketball team. We have mostly been learning skills with Fillipo and recently we practiced a short game with him and three other boys. It wasn't really easy playing againts the boys. Not only simply because of physical strength, but I think it mostly has to do with the fact that they are the ones that have been playing for a longer period of times, so their skills are more advanced than ours. Overall, I seem to be doing well in terms of shooting, and today I learned a better more proper way of shooting and I learned more footwork as well. I think I need to work on more interaction with the other team members, as I feel I am not really showing enough of that.
In RCCI, last week we had a christmas party and we spent time in the canteen dancing. I didn't think the dancing space at the canteen was good enough though as everyone tended to be clumped together. I spent time with this girl that I just met and I taught her a few simple dance moves, and I even did one tango move with her!Haha!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
My first practice
On Friday I had my very first basketball practice...and as a result my thighs still ache!LOL!All I can say is that I didn't really expect it to be this intense!!We started off by doing dribble exercises, which at one point we had to run and dribble the ball at the fastest speed possible, in which I was forced to confront the fact that I was indeed out of shape. We also did more movement based exercises in which were a bit complicated for me. For the first one, which involved three people passing to each other, after I passed the ball to one of the girls I was supposed to go behind the player. I thought I was going behind the other girl but Mr Tingley kept shouting at me to go behind and not to the side. I couldn't understand the difference. Then we were mostly divided into small teams. At first, I was made to watch how everything was played, since I missed all the other practices. Then I got the chance to join a game. I was a bit nervous at first, since I was no expert at this game and I have a tendency not to focus. Things didn't go that bad, and I coincidentally shooted a hoop. I believe that this was the first time that I actually got the opportunity to understand basketball a little more. But the only problem I face now so far is that I am not that good at being aggressive, which is an important skill you need to have when playing basketball. I generally have a tendency to be nice to people and I get afraid that if I get aggressive I will take things too far!!At the end of the day 14 girls that could possibly be part of the team were chosen. Those who were one of them had to come back on Sunday at 10 am while those who weren't were to come back on Tuesday after school and they were to be trained with Mr Shipley. The girls who didn't make the official team are known as the developmental team. The team of girls that get a chance to develop their skills and fill in for one of the official team members if one of them breaks a leg, gets into academic trouble, or gets sick. I, of course, wasn't one of the 14 girls that was on the list. So next practice for me will be on Tuesday. I guess I really need to work on being more aggressive, because at the moment I am a bit uncomfortable in being aggressive.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Recent update
I unfourtunatley could not make it to any of the basketball practices due to the fact that I was busy preparing for the secondary production that I had to do for drama class.The only chance I have now is for practice this Friday. But unfourtunatley, I really don't think I have a chance as the team members are already going to be chosen. I will try to make it anyway just in case something happens. If I can't make any basketball team then I will have no choice but to make something else as my Action activity.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Basketball-First meeting
On Wednsday I attended the first SAISA Girl's Basketball meeting. There were about 20 or more girls there. Mr Tingley, the main coach and school counselour, explained to us most of the process. First practice will begin next week on Tuesday at 3 pm after school. Two weeks after that we will get the results on who made the team. The teams are actually split into two groups, the seniors (the official SAISA team) and the juniors (a team for the people who didn't make it into the SAISA team, but who want to continue playing). Unfourtunatley, there can only be 10 girls on the team, if not 8. He also suggested that we exercise as much as we can, because you can be a really good player but still be out of shape. Well, as you know, I hardly ever play basketball and I am definetley not an exercise type of person. The problem for me now is to find a way to keep in shape. I also need to be aware of the fact of how much I have to concentrate, as one of my weaknesses in general is staying focussed on practically anything.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
I am aware of the fact that I have ignored my CAS blog for (a bit ashamed to say this!LOL!) a month!I am so sorry for this, but now I am back.
For service my involvement with the kids has been gradually improving and I am starting to interact with them a bit more. After we visited the RCCI centre for the first time, we went back there and played some more music. I noticed that they were not wearing their usual uniforms, but I never got to know if they were having some sort of special day or not. This time I got to dance with two of them. Now we are mostly having our sessions in our new gym, due to the fact that there is more space and their centre does not have enough play equipment, particularly balls. So I have mostly been playing ball games with them. At first I had a bit of trouble with throwing the ball to them. At first I kept throwing the ball a bit too hard. Now I am getting better in terms of throwing as I try to keep myself aware that many of them do not have very good co-ordination skills. Now my problem more or less is being a bit more lively. I am usually not a very lively person, and am still a bit shy when it comes to playing with them. I am starting to get worried that they might think I am too boring for them. I also notice that most of the other kids in my group are not very good at interacting with them and do not know what to do most of the time. I do not want to be like them because I am generally interested in communication disorders and want to get to know these kids better. Now we have a prize raffle coming up so we can raise enough money to buy more play equipment for the RCCI centre, so know I have to figure out how and where the people that have signed up to win a prize will pay the money.
For the creative part, we have now been focussing on creating new ideas for our designs for our Back to School theme. I have been working with Gaby on examples of great designs and have presented a poster to help in explaining good examples of what they would want their designs to look like. Whilst Gaby worked mostly on the pictures, I mostly worked on writing the types of clothing. I didn't really want to put any details to my ideas as I wanted it to be more simple and the point was for them to come up with something. So for the past days recently as we had our elective me Gaby, and Ana have been going online looking for some ideas to our designs. There are a lot of great fashion sites online and some of them are very interactive. During my last time there I was the only leader there so I decided to research some of my own ideas online. I found some really pretty designs on uniforms, particularly these Asian schoolgirl uniforms that look a bit like sailor outfits. And I have also taken a bit of inspiration from TV shows, like this Mexican novela Rebelde. Even though their style is a bit suggestive, I think some of the aspects of it could are pretty stylish and contribute to what many girls (and guys) find to be attractive.
I think that could be a great idea to one of my designs
For service my involvement with the kids has been gradually improving and I am starting to interact with them a bit more. After we visited the RCCI centre for the first time, we went back there and played some more music. I noticed that they were not wearing their usual uniforms, but I never got to know if they were having some sort of special day or not. This time I got to dance with two of them. Now we are mostly having our sessions in our new gym, due to the fact that there is more space and their centre does not have enough play equipment, particularly balls. So I have mostly been playing ball games with them. At first I had a bit of trouble with throwing the ball to them. At first I kept throwing the ball a bit too hard. Now I am getting better in terms of throwing as I try to keep myself aware that many of them do not have very good co-ordination skills. Now my problem more or less is being a bit more lively. I am usually not a very lively person, and am still a bit shy when it comes to playing with them. I am starting to get worried that they might think I am too boring for them. I also notice that most of the other kids in my group are not very good at interacting with them and do not know what to do most of the time. I do not want to be like them because I am generally interested in communication disorders and want to get to know these kids better. Now we have a prize raffle coming up so we can raise enough money to buy more play equipment for the RCCI centre, so know I have to figure out how and where the people that have signed up to win a prize will pay the money.
For the creative part, we have now been focussing on creating new ideas for our designs for our Back to School theme. I have been working with Gaby on examples of great designs and have presented a poster to help in explaining good examples of what they would want their designs to look like. Whilst Gaby worked mostly on the pictures, I mostly worked on writing the types of clothing. I didn't really want to put any details to my ideas as I wanted it to be more simple and the point was for them to come up with something. So for the past days recently as we had our elective me Gaby, and Ana have been going online looking for some ideas to our designs. There are a lot of great fashion sites online and some of them are very interactive. During my last time there I was the only leader there so I decided to research some of my own ideas online. I found some really pretty designs on uniforms, particularly these Asian schoolgirl uniforms that look a bit like sailor outfits. And I have also taken a bit of inspiration from TV shows, like this Mexican novela Rebelde. Even though their style is a bit suggestive, I think some of the aspects of it could are pretty stylish and contribute to what many girls (and guys) find to be attractive.
I think that could be a great idea to one of my designs
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Dancing with the kids and interesting fashion designs
Last week the RCCI group went to the RCCI center. It was pretty small and they had a lot of stuff stored everywhere. When we got there the kids started to sing a Sinhalese song for us!!:)Then we were all split into groups and I went with the group that wanted to dance, since I brought 3 CDs. We played one of my Kylie CDs, Boombox, her album full of remixes of her past songs!!It was a lot of fun, and it wasn't necessarily because I am such a huge fan of Kylie!Most of the kids were really enjoying themselves. There were two of them that loved to dance and one of them seemed to be pretty good at it and tried to incorporate some funky moves.But although a lot of the kids got tired at the end.
Today at fashion design me and Gaby helped the girls with some ideas for a theme both of us came up with.Which was the theme Back to School. We looked up a few ideas from the internet for how we could make school uniforms look fashionable and we created this poster that was meant to guide the kids into creating ideas. I wrote some basic things that school uniforms usually consist of whilst Gaby printed 3 pictures from the internet of examples of fashion trends based on school uniform. I wanted to jot down simple things about school uniform because we had to make sure that they were the ones that were coming up with creative ideas on how they could combine all the elements of school uniform and make a unique outfit with them.
Today at fashion design me and Gaby helped the girls with some ideas for a theme both of us came up with.Which was the theme Back to School. We looked up a few ideas from the internet for how we could make school uniforms look fashionable and we created this poster that was meant to guide the kids into creating ideas. I wrote some basic things that school uniforms usually consist of whilst Gaby printed 3 pictures from the internet of examples of fashion trends based on school uniform. I wanted to jot down simple things about school uniform because we had to make sure that they were the ones that were coming up with creative ideas on how they could combine all the elements of school uniform and make a unique outfit with them.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
First day of with the kids
Today was the first day of interacting with the RCCI kids!As I have heard and seen most of them looked older. At first I didn't know what to do and I couldn't decide which kid I should play with first. So I decided to play a game of catch with a couple of people mixed from our group and the RCCI group. Some of the kids were pretty funny and they seemed very nice!Although during other occasions I tried to communicate with some of the kids but I didn't know what to do so it was a bit hard and I don't think I was very successful!I also had a bit to do with it as I am normally very shy when it comes to meeting new kids no matter who it is!Next time I should try to be more prepared and more relaxed. I shall hopefully be more relaxed as time goes by!But there were also little things that I tried to help out with, like finding cotton wool when one of the kids got hurt!Next week we are going over to the centre and all the grade 11's are supposed to bring music for everyone to dance to!Hope they like Kylie!Hehehe!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Hello. I am Maria Santiago.For the moment this is what I have planned to do for my CAS:
I am currently one of the leaders in the fashion design elective. One of my goals is to improve and develop my leadership skills and have the confidence to share ideas. I am also planning to make a comic story on the first week of October. I can't say for sure if I am officially doing it as a CAS as it's a story mostly to do with a personal interest that wouldn't really spread a big important message such as a global issue!
I am thinking of joining SAISA girl's basketball later this year!I don't have too many high hopes for this but I think it will be an interesting challenge for me as I am definetley not an athletic type of person and sports usually bore me.My goal would be to try to put myself in a new and interesting situation and make the best of it!
For my service I am doing Rehabilitation Centre for the Communication Impaired (RCCI).Recently I have started to develop an interest in kids with disabilities and my goal would be to understand kids with communication problems better and learn more about them!
I am currently one of the leaders in the fashion design elective. One of my goals is to improve and develop my leadership skills and have the confidence to share ideas. I am also planning to make a comic story on the first week of October. I can't say for sure if I am officially doing it as a CAS as it's a story mostly to do with a personal interest that wouldn't really spread a big important message such as a global issue!
I am thinking of joining SAISA girl's basketball later this year!I don't have too many high hopes for this but I think it will be an interesting challenge for me as I am definetley not an athletic type of person and sports usually bore me.My goal would be to try to put myself in a new and interesting situation and make the best of it!
For my service I am doing Rehabilitation Centre for the Communication Impaired (RCCI).Recently I have started to develop an interest in kids with disabilities and my goal would be to understand kids with communication problems better and learn more about them!
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