Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The last CAS sessions of first semester

Today I have officially finished my CAS sessions for 2009 first semester.

In fashion design, I have started to improve in terms of my interaction with the younger girls. I have started to join a bit more in their conversations, and have even tried giving one short advice!

In basketball, I am now on the developmental team, which is the team for girls who didn't make the SAISA team and want to continue on to learn basic skills. For the moment, there are only 4 of us right now. This is a real concern, due to the fact that if we don't get 5 or more girls on the team then we may have to stop the developmental team. I have been learning some useful skills with Mr. Shipley and the assistant coach, Fillipo, who was previously on the SAISA boys basketball team. We have mostly been learning skills with Fillipo and recently we practiced a short game with him and three other boys. It wasn't really easy playing againts the boys. Not only simply because of physical strength, but I think it mostly has to do with the fact that they are the ones that have been playing for a longer period of times, so their skills are more advanced than ours. Overall, I seem to be doing well in terms of shooting, and today I learned a better more proper way of shooting and I learned more footwork as well. I think I need to work on more interaction with the other team members, as I feel I am not really showing enough of that.

In RCCI, last week we had a christmas party and we spent time in the canteen dancing. I didn't think the dancing space at the canteen was good enough though as everyone tended to be clumped together. I spent time with this girl that I just met and I taught her a few simple dance moves, and I even did one tango move with her!Haha!

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